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Diet for patient on hemodialysis -

21-12-2016 à 16:46:03
Diet for patient on hemodialysis
Wetmore, Theresa I. CrossRef 186 Patrick H. Cooper. CrossRef 351 (2013) Nihon Toseki Igakkai Zasshi 46, 352-355. What potential treatment options are available to you. Saland, Peter W. CrossRef 240 Georges Khoueiry, Mokhtar Abdallah, Faisal Saiful, Nidal Abi Rafeh, Muhammad Raza, Tariq Bhat, Suzanne El-Sayegh, Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh, James Lafferty. Cavallari, Darius L. Schaefer, E. -J. Abbasi, E. Wierzbicki. Quadri, I. Hilleman. The elephant in uremia: oxidant stress as a unifying concept of cardiovascular disease in uremia. Drechsler, L. (2015) Triglyceride to High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Ratio Predicts Cardiovascular Outcomes in Prevalent Dialysis Patients. Ziyadeh. CrossRef 303 P. Wall, Elvira O. During treatment, the dose of atorvastatin or matching placebo was halved when administered to 190 patients (15 percent). Burns, Daniel E. (2015) Electrocardiogram abnormalities and heart rate variability in predicting mortality and cardiovascular events among hemodialyzed patients. Komiya, S. Cardiovascular outcomes among participants with diabetes in the recent large statin trials. (2012) Management of Hyperglycemia, Dyslipidemia, and Albuminuria in Patients With Diabetes and CKD: A Systematic Review for a KDOQI Clinical Practice Guideline. Kusek, Mark Unruh, Philip Zager. Lipid-lowering efficacy of atorvastatin. (2015) National Lipid Association Recommendations for Patient-Centered Management of Dyslipidemia: Part 2. 2015. CrossRef 48 Vera Krane, Kay-Renke Schmidt, Lena J. (2015) LDL-cholesterol lowering and renal outcomes. Zimetbaum, C. CrossRef 376 Ron Wald, Andrew T Yan, Jeffrey Perl, Depeng Jiang, M Sandra Donnelly, Howard Leong-Poi, Philip A McFarlane, Jordan J Weinstein, Marc B Goldstein. Lum, Tara I. 5 percent (39 vs. (2015) Associations of fish oil and vitamin B and E supplementation with cardiovascular outcomes and mortality in people receiving haemodialysis: a review. Allolio, C. Ikema, K. A. Jick, K. Kwakernaak, Gilles Lambert, Maartje C. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 63:25, 2889-2934. Intensive lipid lowering with atorvastatin in patients with stable coronary disease. CrossRef 64 Harold E. (2015) Association of Treatment for Hyperlipidemia with Decreased Total Mortality in Japanese Individuals: the Yamagata (Takahata) Study. Hirano-Nakasone, C. (2015) The old is new. CrossRef 73 Junichi Yamaguchi. Top Low-Phosphorus Foods for a Healthy Kidney Diet. (2015) Cross-sectional examination of metabolites and metabolic phenotypes in uremia. Prischl. (2012) Ischemic Heart Disease in Patients Undergoing Dialysis. Toida, H. Shimabukuro, T. Stegmayr. CrossRef 136 Stephen P Adams, Michael Tsang, James M Wright, Stephen P Adams. Tereshchenko, Rulan S. Maeshiro, T. Hocher, F. (2016) Cardiovascular Pharmacogenomics—Implications for Patients With CKD. CrossRef 236 (2014) An International Atherosclerosis Society Position Paper: Global recommendations for the management of dyslipidemia-Full report. (2014) Dialysis Method Alters the Expression of MicroRNA-33a and Its Target Genes ABCA1, ABCG1 in THP-1 Macrophages. J. Hawley, Carolyn van Eps, Alan Cass, Martin Gallagher, Vlado Perkovic. A. (2015) Improving the odds: ezetimibe and cardiovascular disease. Go, Stephen Sidney. Ito, Harold E. Shiohira, T. Subgroup analyses showed no difference in outcome for any LDL cholesterol level or patients with and patients without cardiovascular disease. Chan. Jahnukainen, G. Levin, A. CrossRef 275 Chin-Chou Huang, Wan-Leong Chan, Yu-Chun Chen, Tzeng-Ji Chen, Chia-Min Chung, Po-Hsun Huang, Shing-Jong Lin, Jaw-Wen Chen, Hsin-Bang Leu. Waters. CrossRef 333 Tzu-Hsien Tsai, Kuo-Ho Yeh, Cheng-Hsu Yang, Shyh-Ming Chen, Chi-Ling Hang, Chien-Jen Chen, Sheng-Ying Chung, Yung-Lung Chen, Chiung-Jen Wu, Hon-Kan Yip, Cheuk-Kwan Sun, Hsuen-Wen Chang. Journal of Clinical Lipidology 9:6, S1-S122. CrossRef 133 A. (2013) Instrumental variable analysis. Rousseau. CrossRef 65 Y. Mason. CrossRef 226 Peter P. CrossRef 402 Suetonia C Palmer, Kannaiyan S Rabindranath, Jonathan C Craig, Paul J Roderick, Francesco Locatelli, Giovanni FM Strippoli, Giovanni FM Strippoli. (2013) Circulating CD4. (2013) Management Considerations for the Hospitalist Caring for Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease. (2014) Administration of IL-1ra improves adiponectin levels in chronic hemodialysis patients. Lipid levels measured after randomization were not released to the clinical sites. CrossRef 290 V. Henzan, I. (2012) Pulmonary hypertension in dialysis patients: a prevalent, risky but still uncharacterized disorder. Fujimoto, T. Toma, T. Nakagawa, Y. (2015) Chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular complications. On enrollment, lipid-lowering medications were discontinued, and patients received placebo during the four-week run-in phase of the study. Weiner, Mark J. (2013) Beta-blocker prevents sudden cardiac death in patients with hemodialysis. The primary end point was a composite of death from cardiac causes, nonfatal myocardial infarction, and stroke. Fonarow, K. (2012) Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy Guidelines for Management of Cardiovascular Diseases in Patients on Chronic Hemodialysis. (2015) Cardiovascular mortality in chronic kidney disease patients: potential mechanisms and possibilities of inhibition by resin-based phosphate binders. Rationale and design of a trial improving outcome of type 2 diabetics on hemodialysis. Tokuyama, Y. (2016) The VITAH Trial—Vitamin D Supplementation and Cardiac Autonomic Tone in Patients with End-Stage Kidney Disease on Hemodialysis: A Blinded, Randomized Controlled Trial. Bays. (2013) Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Profile of Rosuvastatin in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease on Chronic Haemodialysis. (2013) Aldosterone and cortisol affect the risk of sudden cardiac death in haemodialysis patients. Drugs for Elevated Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol. Ebtehaj, B. The American Journal of Medicine 128:11, 1252. (2013) The role of fibrates in chronic kidney disease and diabetes mellitus. 12,13 End Points The study end points and serious adverse events were continuously monitored and reported to the contract research organization. CrossRef 363 Stephen P Adams, Michael Tsang, James M Wright, Stephen P Adams. Only one event per subject was included in the analysis. C. CrossRef 228 H. CrossRef 94 Silvia Badarau, Dimitrie Siriopol, Daniela Drugus, Raluca Dumea, Simona Hogas, Mihaela Blaj, Luminita Voroneanu, Angelica Gramaticu, Antoniu Petris, Alexandru Burlacu, Adrian Covic. Rosenberg, Paul L. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 60:23, 2372-2379. Strippoli. (2013) Cardiovascular disease in peritoneal dialysis: A review. (2016) Sudden cardiac death in haemodialysis: clinical epidemiology and mechanisms. (2014) Tinzaparin Provides Lower Lipid Profiles in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients: A Cross-Sectional Observational Study. (2014) Rationale and design of the Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonists in End-Stage Renal Disease Study (MiREnDa). CrossRef 336 Neil J. S. The baseline data were analyzed with the use of standard descriptive statistics. CrossRef 33 Nishank Jain, Robert F. Drechsler, E. CrossRef 29 (2016) Impact of renal function on the effects of LDL cholesterol lowering with statin-based regimens: a meta-analysis of individual participant data from 28 randomised trials. Townsend. Academic investigators led, managed, and coordinated the study. Core Concepts in Dialysis and Continuous Therapies, 155-167. (2015) Prevention of Heart Failure in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. CrossRef 250 DIMITRIOS POULIKAKOS, DEBASISH BANERJEE, MAREK MALIK. Rogers, P. (2015) Low dialysate potassium and central arterial pressure waveform. 7 percent (44 vs. (2013) Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate as a Useful Predictor of Mortality in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction Undergoing Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. References References 1 Cheung BM, Lauder IJ, Lau CP, Kumana CR. (2015) Pathophysiologic and Treatment Strategies for Cardiovascular Disease in End-Stage Renal Disease and Kidney Transplantations. CrossRef 102 Andrew Kowalski, Armand Krikorian, Edgar V. Journal of the Korean Medical Association 57, 857. CrossRef 17 Bernd G. Randomised trial of cholesterol lowering in 4444 patients with coronary heart disease: the Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study (4S). CrossRef 142 Hung-Yuan Chen, Wan-Chuan Tsai, Yen-Ling Chiu, Shih-Ping Hsu, Mei-Fen Pai, Ju-Yeh Yang, Yu-Sen Peng. Di Carli, Ron Blankstein. Chang. Iseki, H. Goldsmith. Prabhu, B. Mann, lecture fees from Aventis, Roche, and Janssen Cilag. Perkovic, L. Asato, H. C. Hagberg, B. CrossRef 356 (2013) Chapter 4: Other complications of CKD: CVD, medication dosage, patient safety, infections, hospitalizations, and caveats for investigating complications of CKD. S. The principal investigators wrote the protocol and prepared the manuscript. Kastelein, G. Dekker, C. CrossRef 93 Mayank Mittal, Kul Aggarwal, Rachel L. Brandenburg. Death from any cause other than cardiac disease or cerebrovascular disease was treated as a competing risk. e2. Nashiro, T. Pun. Altered Lipid Metabolism and Serum Lipids in Kidney Disease and Kidney Failure. CrossRef 144 Kunitoshi Iseki. (2016) Impact of the 2013 Cholesterol Guideline on Patterns of Lipid-Lowering Treatment in Patients with Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease or Diabetes After 1 Year. Patel, Christoph Licht, Gina-Marie Barletta, Veronica Zitterman, Mark Mitsnefes, Uptal D. Kleber, Alexander Dressel, Julia Riffel, Sarah Triem, Marlene Lehmann, Chantal Kopecky, Marcus D. Wenger, R. Goldhaber-Fiebert. CrossRef 334 Alberico Catapano, Peter P Toth, Joanne E Tomassini, Andrew M Tershakovec. (2013) Management of Coronary Atherosclerosis and Acute Coronary Syndromes in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease. Robinson. Parvizi, C. Since we did not fully achieve this benefit, we speculate that the pathogenesis of vascular events in patients with diabetes mellitus who are receiving hemodialysis may, at least in part, be different from that in patients without end-stage renal disease. (2015) Association between higher rates of cardioprotective drug use and survival in patients on dialysis. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 61:12, 1250-1258. 2013. Sarnak. CrossRef 183 David Charytan. CrossRef 238 Tamio Teramoto, Jun Sasaki, Shun Ishibashi, Sadatoshi Birou, Hiroyuki Daida, Seitaro Dohi, Genshi Egusa, Takafumi Hiro, Kazuhiko Hirobe, Mami Iida, Shinji Kihara, Makoto Kinoshita, Chizuko Maruyama, Takao Ohta, Tomonori Okamura, Shizuya Yamashita, Masayuki Yokode, Koutaro Yokote. (2015) Implementation of the KDIGO guideline on lipid management requires a substantial increase in statin prescription rates. 0 and 4. (2014) Single Nucleotide Variants in the Protein C Pathway and Mortality in Dialysis Patients. Inker, Josef Coresh, Elizabeth Selvin. W. (2014) An Update on Coronary Artery Disease and Chronic Kidney Disease. (2013) Diabetes and vascular disease: pathophysiology, clinical consequences, and medical therapy: part II. Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension 23, 578-585. Redahan, B. Bilo, L. CrossRef 13 Vaida Petrauskiene, Ruta Vaiciuniene, Inga Arune Bumblyte, Vytautas Kuzminskis, Edita Ziginskiene, Saulius Grazulis, Egle Jonaitiene. Vaziri. Hirsch. Tripepi, G. Cohen, Samuel Dagogo-Jack, Jaime Davidson, Daniel Einhorn, Om Ganda, Alan Garber, W. Hofmann, N. CrossRef 263 Dimitrios Poulikakos, Debasish Banerjee, Marek Malik. Gerszten, Ravi Thadhani, Eugene P. (2013) The Roads Less Traveled. W. After a patient reached a primary end point, the study drug could be replaced by treatment with an active statin. M. Reis, Daniel Ricklin, John D. CrossRef 399 Dimitrios Kirmizis, Aikaterini Papagianni, Fani Dogrammatzi, Anna-Maria Belechri, Efstathios Alexopoulos, Georgios Efstratiadis, Dimitrios Memmos. New, Philip A. CrossRef 62 Norihiro Kobayashi, Toshiya Muramatsu, Reiko Tsukahara, Yoshiaki Ito, Hiroshi Ishimori, Keisuke Hirano, Masatsugu Nakano, Masahiro Yamawaki, Motoharu Araki, Hideyuki Takimura, Yasunari Sakamoto. Cosentino, M. (2013) Evaluation of colestilan in chronic kidney disease dialysis patients with hyperphosphataemia and dyslipidaemia: a randomized, placebo-controlled, multiple fixed-dose trial. Morbach, D. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 64, 196-206. Sato, S. Friedman, Zhangsheng Yu, Rebeka Tabbey, Cheryl Denski, Hector Tamez, Julia Wenger, Ravi Thadhani, Yong Li, Bruce A. 5 mmol per liter before the start of the three most recent sessions of hemodialysis were considered to have had sudden death from cardiac causes. Jameson, S. Marx, V. CrossRef 371 Niina Matikainen, Marja-Riitta Taskinen. CrossRef 166 Makoto Daimon, Toshihide Oizumi, Wataru Kameda, Jun Matsui, Hiroshi Murakami, Yoshiyuki Ueno, Isao Kubota, Hidetoshi Yamashita, Takamasa Kayama, Takeo Kato. Wheeler. (2013) Role of Statins in Coronary Artery Disease. Fliser. Charytan, R. J. Wang. (2014) The VITAH Trial Vitamin D supplementation and cardiac autonomic tone in hemodialysis: a blinded, randomized controlled trial. Kaltenecker, M. Lerma. The study medication was discontinued by the investigators in one patient receiving placebo because of a report of myalgia in combination with elevated creatine kinase levels. (2014) Association of contrast-induced acute kidney injury with long-term cardiovascular events in acute coronary syndrome patients with chronic kidney disease undergoing emergent percutaneous coronary intervention. Aldini. (2012) Regression of left ventricular mass following conversion from conventional hemodialysis to thrice weekly in-centre nocturnal hemodialysis. CrossRef 134 Yehuda Handelsman, Zachary Bloomgarden, George Grunberger, Guillermo Umpierrez, Robert Zimmerman, Timothy Bailey, Lawrence Blonde, George Bray, A. McCullough, J. Winston. Methods Study Design Subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus 18 to 80 years of age who had been receiving maintenance hemodialysis for less than two years were enrolled at 178 centers in Germany. Creager. (2013) Outcomes of Extended-Hours Hemodialysis Performed Predominantly at Home. Wheeler. 2015. (2013) Determinants of Cardiovascular Risk in Haemodialysis Patients: Post hoc Analyses of the AURORA Study. 89) in persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus who were taking atorvastatin. Seeman, K. LDL cholesterol was measured directly by agarose-gel electrophoresis with subsequent enzymatic staining for cholesterol with the use of the rapid electrophoresis system (Helena Diagnostika). Niespialowska-Steuden, D. Naika-Geka, T. A possible reason for the unexpected results with regard to the primary end point might be related to the LDL cholesterol concentration at baseline. F. Akamine, M. (2016) Treatment of Hyperlipidemia Changes With Level of Kidney Function—Rationale. CrossRef 277 Tetsuo Shoji. Herzog, J. Thadhani, S. Steen, D. CrossRef 113 Mu-En Lin, Theodore Chen, Elizabeth M. CrossRef 316 Sudarshan Balla, Maen B Nusair, Martin A Alpert. (2013) Chronic kidney disease induced dysfunction of high density lipoprotein. Chronic Kidney Disease. CrossRef 137 Harumi Okuyama, Peter H Langsjoen, Tomohito Hamazaki, Yoichi Ogushi, Rokuro Hama, Tetsuyuki Kobayashi, Hajime Uchino. To maintain blinding, a randomly selected subject from the placebo group received an identical dose reduction. Saito, K. A. Karumanchi. Drechsler, V. Treatment of the Patient with End-Stage Diabetic Nephropathy. McCullough. Kohagura, I. If LDL cholesterol levels fell below 50 mg per deciliter (1. Ellis, Ayumi Shintani, Talat Alp Ikizler. Dunn, Elaine M. (2014) Endovascular Versus Medical Therapy for Atherosclerotic Renovascular Disease. CrossRef 235 Tanja Hojs Fabjan, Radovan Hojs. Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences 49, 218-231. 2012. Wanner, V. (2016) Dealing with prognostic signature instability: a strategy illustrated for cardiovascular events in patients with end-stage renal disease. Moffat, D. Kobayashi, Y. Krane, S. Tannock. D. Slagman, Femke Waanders, Gozewijn D. CrossRef 230 F. 52 (95 percent confidence interval, 0. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 65, 942-948. Shireman. Hammer, V. Wascher, Heinz Drexel, Marianne Brodmann, Ernst Pilger, Alexander Rosenkranz, Erich Pohanka, Rainer Oberbauer, Otto Traindl, Franz Xaver Roithinger, Bernhard Metzler, Hans-Peter Haring, Stefan Kiechl. Friedman, J. The proportion of patients who continued to receive the study drug at one and two years, expressed as a percentage of those who remained alive and free of a primary event, was 74 percent (459 patients) and 51 percent (317 patients), respectively, in the atorvastatin group and 74 percent (469 patients) and 48 percent (303 patients), respectively, in the placebo group. Coentrao, C. CrossRef 212 Christoph Wanner, Marcello Tonelli,. Thompson. (2013) Macrophage migration inhibitory factor is associated with vascular dysfunction in patients with end-stage renal disease. CrossRef 8 Daiji Kawanami, Keiichiro Matoba, Kazunori Utsunomiya. CrossRef 197 Junichi Tazaki, Takeshi Morimoto, Ryuzo Sakata, Hitoshi Okabayashi, Fumio Yamazaki, Noboru Nishiwaki, Kazuaki Mitsudo, Takeshi Kimura. CrossRef 314 Staci Valley, Julie Wright-Nunes. CrossRef 100 Yen-Wen Liu, Chi-Ting Su, Eing-Ju Song, Wei-Chuan Tsai, Yi-Heng Li, Liang-Miin Tsai, Jyh-Hong Chen, Junne-Ming Sung. Wierzbicki. Strippoli. Ueda, S. (2016) Experimental Animal Models Evaluating the Causal Role of Lipoprotein(a) in Atherosclerosis and Aortic Stenosis. Wilson Tang. Wall. (2015) A nephrology guide to reading and using systematic reviews of randomized trials. Higa, M. Journal of Vascular Surgery 60, 604-612. Nicholls, Jacek Rysz, Mohammad Abdollahi, Maciej Banach,. (2013) The Management of Dyslipidemia in CKD: New Analyses of an Expanding Dataset. Urbina. J. Altomare, K. Palmer, Giovanni F. CrossRef 101 Paolo Raggi, Robert Boer, William G. (2016) Coronary Revascularization in Chronic and End-Stage Renal Disease. Marz, B. CrossRef 344 Sang Yup Lim. CrossRef 353 Driss Elkabbaj, Abdelali Bahadi, Yahia Cherrah, Mourad Errasfa, Rachid Eljaoudi. Bonthuis, K. Wanner. Dr. CrossRef 57 D. Ramma, S. (2014) Statins in chronic kidney disease and kidney transplantation. Arima, K. 08 years, respectively). (2015) Atherosclerosis following renal injury is ameliorated by pioglitazone and losartan via macrophage phenotype. (2015) Heterogeneous susceptibility for uraemic media calcification and concomitant inflammation within the arterial tree. Johnson, G. Wanner, T. (2013) Impaired thrombolysis: a novel cardiovascular risk factor in end-stage renal disease. CrossRef 14 Konstantinos Dean Boudoulas, Filippos Triposkiadis, John Parissis, Javed Butler, Harisios Boudoulas. CrossRef 199 K. CrossRef 379 (2012) Chapter 3: Blood pressure management in CKD ND patients without diabetes mellitus. Gosmanova. Lerma. Foley, P. CrossRef 70 Arun Kannan, Chithra Poongkunran, Raul Medina, Vendhan Ramanujam, Mugilan Poongkunran, Saravanan Balamuthusamy. Statin Therapy in Patients with Diabetic Nephropathy. (2015) Cardiovascular complications of chronic kidney disease. Buccafusca, T. (2012) Transthyretin Predicts Cardiovascular Outcome in Hemodialysis Patients With Type 2 Diabetes. A. CrossRef 346 Jung Tak Park, Hyung Jung Oh, Shin-Wook Kang. Dekker, Christoph Wanner, Marion Verduijn, Nandita Mitra. CrossRef 229 Jian-Min Wang, Jia-Jun Zhou, Qian Zheng, Hua Gan, Hang Wang. Stel, F. CrossRef 246 Mingxin Li, Jing Xin, Ding-Wei Kuang, Un-I Kuok, Chiu-Leong Li, Kin Cheung, Weng-In Lio. CrossRef 251 Vasil Peev, Ali Nayer, Gabriel Contreras. 0 to 9. (2015) Best Practice for Diabetic Patients on Hemodialysis 2012. (2014) Efficacy and safety of ezetimibe plus atorvastatin therapy. (2016) Electrocardiographic predictors of mortality and sudden cardiac death in patients with end stage renal disease on hemodialysis. (2016) Sources of Mortality on Dialysis with an Emphasis on Microemboli. Roser, K. Lv, V. (2015) Evidence for the Prevention and Treatment of Stroke in Dialysis Patients. (2015) Lipide bei chronischer Nierenerkrankung. CrossRef 280 Suguru Yamamoto, Valentina Kon. e1. Patients who died unexpectedly and did not present with a potassium level greater than 7. A. Nacak, M. However, whether such an advantage would accrue if patients with type 2 diabetes who were receiving dialysis were given a higher dose of atorvastatin is unknown. Some malnutrition cannot be ruled out during the course of the study, although there was no decrease in the body-mass index. Prettin, S. M. 2015. CrossRef 18 Debasish Banerjee. (2013) Higher levels of small dense low-density lipoprotein (LDL) are associated with cardiac autonomic neuropathy in patients with Type 2 diabetes. 59 patients). CrossRef 237 Young-Ki Lee, Jieun Oh. (2014) Dyslipidemias and chronic kidney disease: a focus on pathogenesis and treatment. (2013) Lipid Abnormalities in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: Implications for the Pathophysiology of Atherosclerosis. Implications of recent clinical trials for the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III guidelines. This finding is unexplained and could be a chance finding, particularly in view of the data from CARDS, which indicate that atorvastatin lowers the incidence of stroke. CrossRef 386 A. Kimmel. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 65:21, 2299-2301. (2016) Influence of hemodialysis duration on mid-term clinical outcomes in hemodialysis patients with coronary artery disease after drug-eluting stent implantation. (2014) Dyslipidaemia in children on renal replacement therapy. (2015) Treatment options for dyslipidemia in chronic kidney disease and for protection from contrast-induced nephropathy. CrossRef 99 D. CrossRef 103 Suguru Yamamoto, Jiayong Zhong, Patricia G. CrossRef 284 Nosratola D. Wilson, Linda Fried. Kagawa, K. (2013) Targets, trends, excesses, and deficiencies: refocusing clinical investigation to improve patient outcomes. Get home dialysis treatment without the use of needles. (2013) HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors in Chronic Kidney Disease. Rocco, David C. (2016) Guidelines for Management of Hyperlipidemia: Implications for Treatment of Patients with Stroke Secondary to Atherosclerotic Disease. Jager, V. An electrocardiogram that documented silent myocardial infarction was considered evidence of a primary end point. CrossRef 52 Andrea Corsonello, Sergio Fusco, Silvia Bustacchini, Carlos Chiatti, Raffaella Moresi, Anna Rita Bonfigli, Giuseppina Di Stefano, Fabrizia Lattanzio. (2013) Reasons for the Lack of Salutary Effects of Cholesterol-Lowering Interventions in End-Stage Renal Disease Populations. HMG-coenzyme A reductase inhibitor use is associated with mortality reduction in hemodialysis patients. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences 347:2, 125-130. (2015) Associations between lipid profiles and MACE in hemodialysis patients with percutaneous coronary intervention: From the FU-Registry. (2013) Pharmacologic Management of Chronic Reno-Cardiac Syndrome. Salusky, Katherine Wesseling-Perry. CrossRef 162 Tetsuo Shoji, Masanori Emoto, Yoshiki Nishizawa, Masaaki Inaba. (2014) Statin and the Risk of Renal-Related Serious Adverse Events: Analysis from the IDEAL, TNT, CARDS, ASPEN, SPARCL, and Other Placebo-Controlled Trials. CrossRef 125 Norio Hanafusa, Shigeru Nakai, Kunitoshi Iseki, Yoshiharu Tsubakihara. (2013) Cost-Effectiveness of Statins for Primary Cardiovascular Prevention in Chronic Kidney Disease. Wheeler, Bertram L. (2015) Incremental prognostic value of kidney function decline over coronary artery disease for cardiovascular event prediction after coronary computed tomography. Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online. (2016) Management of residual risk after statin therapy. LaLonde, Peter A. CrossRef 209 Virginia McCoy Hass. Kuwae, S. 2012. (2013) The association of ECG and echocardiographic abnormalities with sudden cardiac death in a dialysis patient cohort. (2014) Updated management of chronic kidney disease in patients with diabetes. Tomson, S. Nishihira, M. CrossRef 68 Christina Reith, Jane Armitage. (2013) Cardiovascular disease in chronic kidney disease: untying the Gordian knot. Oshiro, K. Berg. Fassnacht, C. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 55, 242-253. C. Speer, Cecilia M. (2015) Endocrine and Metabolic Changes Affecting Cardiovascular Disease in Dialysis Patients. Yonaha, Y. 2013. Tran, Tzu Chun Kao, Toros Caglar, Karen M. Each consecutive subject was given the next consecutive randomization number, and eligible patients were assigned in a 1:1 ratio to receive the study drug or placebo. (2015) New worldwide lipid guidelines. CrossRef 129 G. Yeum, D. (2014) Potential Effects of Reclassifying CKD as a Coronary Heart Disease Risk Equivalent in the US Population. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 63, 537-538. All committee members were blinded to the treatment assignments until August 13, 2004. (2016) The heart and vascular system in dialysis. Sponsor: Pfizer, Karlsruhe, G. Catapano, Ian Graham, Guy De Backer, Olov Wiklund, M. CrossRef 71 (2016) 2015 Korean Guidelines for the Management of Dyslipidemia: Executive Summary (English Translation). W. Betjes, Willem Weimar, Nicolle H. Schreiber, W. Gray Jerome, Ryohei Kaseda, Brian Cox, Aihua Bian, Ayumi Shintani, Agnes B. DeMicco, David D. Tyerman, T. The extremely high rate of death from cardiovascular causes among patients receiving dialysis 22 is explained by more than the traditional coronary risk factors. Diverging Research and Clinical Priorities for Dialysis Patients and Those With Less Severe CKD. Oura, H. Ritz is a member of the safety board of a trial sponsored by AstraZeneca and reports having received consulting fees from the company. (2015) HDL abnormalities in nephrotic syndrome and chronic kidney disease. 3 mmol per liter), the dose of atorvastatin was reduced to 10 mg per day. Nohara, S. The dose of atorvastatin in the present study was 20 mg, which is lower than the high dose used in a recent study by LaRosa et al. (2012) The Effects of Vitamin E-Coated Membrane Dialyzer Compared to Simvastatin in Patients on Chronic Hemodialysis. Beckman, F. Medication was prepackaged on the basis of a block size of four subjects at each center. 2013. Jager, H. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 11:6, 824-843. e3. Kalra. (2016) Statins for hemodialysis patients with diabetes. Sood, Paul Komenda, Peter Nickerson, Claudio Rigatto. Drechsler. Baiko, T. CrossRef 97 Vasilios G Athyros, Konstantinos Tziomalos, Asterios Karagiannis. Hypocholesterolemia is a significant predictor of death in a cohort of chronic hemodialysis patients. Interestingly, there was a continuous decrease in LDL cholesterol levels over time among patients in both groups. CrossRef 35 J. (2015) Lag-censoring analysis: lights and shades. Postma, Eelko Hak. CrossRef 128 Guideline development group, H. CrossRef 27 Michelle Mann, Derek Exner, Brenda Hemmelgarn, David Hanley, Tanvir Turin, Jennifer MacRae, David Wheeler, Darlene Sola, Sharanya Ramesh, Sofia Ahmed. 2015. Heaf, O. CrossRef 123 Christiane Drechsler, Sahir Kalim, Julia B. (2013) Importance of high-density lipoprotein quality. H. (2014) Epidemiology of dyslipidemia in chronic kidney disease. Jahana, C. CrossRef 174 Eberhard Windler, Gerald Klose, Klaus G. 13 mmol per liter) in the atorvastatin group and 125 mg per deciliter (3. CrossRef 357 (2013) Chapter 5: Referral to specialists and models of care. End-Stage Renal Failure in the Diabetic Patient. Lambris. 2017. (2013) The dynamics of prognostic indicators: toward earlier identification of dialysis patients with a high risk of dying. (Accessed June 27, 2005, at ) 7 Prichard SS. (2013) Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death in Chronic Kidney Disease. High-flux versus low-flux membranes for end-stage kidney disease. 2016. CrossRef 153 Mythili Ghanta, Mark Kozicky, Belinda Jim. J. Schonfeld, K. (2014) KHA-CARI commentary on the KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline for Lipid Management in Chronic Kidney Disease. (2015) The role of echocardiographic study in patients with chronic kidney disease. Jardine, A. 31 to 0. The primary end point was a composite of death from cardiac causes, fatal stroke, nonfatal myocardial infarction, or nonfatal stroke, whichever occurred first. Goldsmith, J. Genest, W. Valle, Sakina Kazmi. Brenner, C. Raila, B. CrossRef 265 Marcello Tonelli. (2013) Statins decrease all-cause mortality only in CKD patients not requiring dialysis therapy—A meta-analysis of 11 randomized controlled trials involving 21,295 participants. CrossRef 146 Itsuki Nagata, Amane Ike, Hiroaki Nishikawa, Bo Zhang, Makoto Sugihara, Ken Mori, Atsushi Iwata, Akira Kawamura, Kazuyuki Shirai, Yoshinari Uehara, Masahiro Ogawa, Shin-ichiro Miura, Keijiro Saku. (2016) Dyslipidemia in diabetic nephropathy. P. Kalim, W. Katsuren, H. 91 years in the placebo group (median, 4. Patients receiving hemodialysis generally have many adverse and serious adverse events ( Table 3 Table 3 Adverse Events. Clinical Assessment and Management of Chronic Kidney Disease Across its Stages. CrossRef 307 Dragana Nikolic, Shekoufeh Nikfar, Pooneh Salari, Manfredi Rizzo, Kausik K. 96 years in the atorvastatin group and 3. Blouin, M. (2013) Role of dyslipidemia in impairment of energy metabolism, oxidative stress, inflammation and cardiovascular disease in chronic kidney disease. Barzi. (2013) Effect of statin therapy on cardiovascular and renal outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Molitoris, Giuseppe Remuzzi, Pierre Ronco. There has been concern about the side effects of statins in patients receiving hemodialysis, 10 but data from small cohorts appeared to be reassuring. Survival and predictors of death in dialysed diabetic patients. 2013. CrossRef 362 Elaine M Beller, Rashmi Balaram, Talvika Kooblal, Benita Thurairajah, Christine Sammartino, Yan T Lai, Elaine M Beller. CrossRef 175 Megan Harbin, Anthony Amadio, Aaron Tejani. Moradi, E. CrossRef 11 Ayako Hasegawa, Fumiko Kojima, Mio Ueda, Yoshiko Tanaka, Kosaku Nitta. (2013) The efficacy and safety of ezetimibe coadministered with statin therapy in various patient groups. Grooteman, Albert H. CrossRef 3 Mark E. (2015) Statins can improve proteinuria and glomerular filtration rate loss in chronic kidney disease patients, further reducing cardiovascular risk. 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The Cox proportional-hazards model was used to estimate the multivariate relative risks of the primary and secondary end points with corresponding 95 percent confidence intervals. Death from cardiac causes comprised fatal myocardial infarction (death within 28 days after a myocardial infarction), sudden death, death due to congestive heart failure, death due to coronary heart disease during or within 28 days after an intervention, and all other deaths ascribed to coronary heart disease. (2012) Geographic Variation in HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitor Use in Dialysis Patients. (2012) Serum non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (non-HDL-C) levels and cardiovascular mortality in chronic hemodialysis patients. (2015) Intensified low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol target of statin therapy and cancer risk: a meta-analysis. 11 The present investigator-initiated, prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled study of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus receiving hemodialysis was designed to answer these questions. Yancey, T. (2012) Statins and other agents for vascular inflammation. (2013) Effects of statins on lipid profile in chronic kidney disease patients: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. CrossRef 340 Csaba Kovesdy, Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh. (2014) Dialysis Recovery Time: More Than Just Another Serum Albumin. Schmieder. CrossRef 374 Christopher D. (2014) Elevated high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and cardiovascular mortality in maintenance hemodialysis patients. Vaziri, Keith C. Stone. Yamazato, Y. CrossRef 293 Anna Marino, Lisa R. J. Management of Dyslipidemia in Long-Term Dialysis Patients. Dietary interventions for lowering cholesterol in dialysis patients. (2014) KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline for Lipid Management in CKD: summary of recommendation statements and clinical approach to the patient. We conclude that in persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus who are receiving maintenance hemodialysis and have LDL cholesterol values between 80 and 190 mg per deciliter, routine treatment with a statin to reduce the primary composite end point of death from cardiac causes, myocardial infarction, and stroke is not warranted. Antlanger, J. CrossRef 40 Shubha Ananthakrishnan, George A. Furberg, Allan Sniderman. Martin, Gregory A. Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension 22, 259-265. The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine 30, 177. Barrett. J. Brady, A. Kohagura, S. (2015) Dialysate and Serum Potassium in Hemodialysis. Tomaschitz, S. CrossRef 234 Kunitoshi Iseki. (2015) Baseline diabetes as a way to predict CV outcomes in a lipid-modifying trial: a meta-analysis of 330,376 patients from 47 landmark studies. HMG CoA reductase inhibitors (statins) for dialysis patients. Linton, Sergio Fazio, Valentina Kon. Kopecky, S. Jardine. Levin, Philip K. Jardine. Details of the study design have been described previously. Reilly. Tagawa, T. L. (2012) Apolipoprotein A-IV concentrations and clinical outcomes in haemodialysis patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus - a. Locatelli, M. Secondary end points included death from all causes, all cardiac events combined, and all cerebrovascular events combined. CrossRef 210 A. Michael Lincoff, Eric D. Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants 27, 17-22. Goldsmith. The protocol was approved by the ethics committee at the coordinating center and the 29 regional institutional review boards. Takishita, S. Free Full Text 360 Christoph Wanner. Podracka, T. H. Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension 22, 651-655. Kyan, S. Yang, N. (2015) Changes over the last decade in carotid atherosclerosis in patients with end-stage kidney disease. The mean length of follow-up was 3. For the study to have this level of power, at least 424 primary end points had to occur (event-driven analysis), requiring the randomization of at least 1200 patients. Olyaei. The initiation of lipid-lowering therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who already have end-stage renal disease may come too late to translate into consistent improvement of the cardiovascular outcome. Pollak, B. (2013) Role of Dyslipidemia in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease. Tomey, Jonathan A. (2015) Use of Vitamin D Receptor Activator, Incident Cardiovascular Disease and Death in a Cohort of Hemodialysis Patients. Kasiske, David C. Thompson. (2015) Comparative Effectiveness of Statin Therapy in Chronic Kidney Disease and Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Vaziri. CrossRef 296 W. (2016) Antihypertensive Medication in Patients Pre- and Postdialysis: Still Hazy After All These Years. Ueda, K. J. Stel, F. CrossRef 116 David D. 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(2016) Special considerations for the treatment of chronic kidney disease in the elderly. Thereafter, eligible patients were randomly assigned to double-blind treatment with either atorvastatin at a dose of 20 mg once daily or matching placebo. (2013) Meta-Analysis of Lipid-Lowering Therapy in Maintenance Dialysis Patients. 2014. P. A. Adjustments were made for sex, age, and baseline status with respect to coronary heart disease. Ferro. Zoccali. Hochman, Thomas N. A computer-generated randomization code was prepared by a central Pfizer unit that was independent of local study personnel. CrossRef 10 Harald Binder, Thorsten Kurz, Sven Teschner, Clemens Kreutz, Marcel Geyer, Johannes Donauer, Annette Kraemer-Guth, Jens Timmer, Martin Schumacher, Gerd Walz. Kaysen. Salusky. The primary end points were evaluated according to time-to-event analysis. 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(2016) Austrian Lipid Consensus on the management of metabolic lipid disorders to prevent vascular complications. All analyses of primary and secondary end points were based on the classification by the end-point committee that was agreed on by consensus or majority vote. Immunohistochemical detection of imidazolone and N(epsilon)-(carboxymethyl) lysine in aortas of hemodialysis patients. 18 Times to an event for patients without a primary end point or competing event were treated as censored and were calculated as the time from randomization to the date of the last contact. Hetzel, Werner Kleophas, Frank Dellanna, Malte Kelm, Tienush Rassaf. 2012. (2014) Une autre histoire du sevelamer. Bell. The data were monitored and collected by two contract research organizations supported by Pfizer, one of which (Datamap) holds the data. Written informed consent was obtained from all patients. A. Herrington, Alan G. CrossRef 61 Sudeepta Dandapat, Jennifer G. Cohen, R. Yamazato, K. First, we showed that it is difficult to rely on uncontrolled observational studies that show substantial advantages of statins in the treatment of patients receiving hemodialysis. 26 in which intensive lipid-lowering therapy with atorvastatin at a dose of 80 mg per day was more effective than a dose of 10 mg per day in patients with stable coronary heart disease. CrossRef 254 Jwa-Kyung Kim, Young Rim Song, Min Gang Kim, Hyung Jik Kim, Sung Gyun Kim. This calculation was based on observational studies. Kashyap, N. Dekker, C. Death from other causes was treated as a competing event, and for patients who died from other causes, follow-up was censored as of the date of death. USRDS 2003 annual data report: atlas of end-stage renal disease in the United States. A Cohort Study from a Chinese Dialysis Center in a University Hospital. Winkelmayer. 9,27 Second, and more important, is the conclusion that the benefit of atorvastatin is limited when intervention with statins is postponed until patients have reached end-stage renal disease. CrossRef 299 Marcin Barylski, Shekoufeh Nikfar, Dimitri P. Toth. (2014) AGE-Breaker ALT-711 Plus Insulin Could Restore Erectile Function in Streptozocin-Induced Type 1 Diabetic Rats. CrossRef 259 Andreas Schneider, Markus P Schneider, Hubert Scharnagl, Alan G Jardine, Christoph Wanner, Christiane Drechsler. CrossRef 278 Suetonia C Palmer, Sankar D Navaneethan, Jonathan C Craig, David W Johnson, Vlado Perkovic, Sagar U Nigwekar, Jorgen Hegbrant, Giovanni FM Strippoli, Giovanni FM Strippoli. Maisch, C. Tokashiki, H. CrossRef 127 Luca Di Lullo, Andrew House, Antonio Gorini, Alberto Santoboni, Domenico Russo, Claudio Ronco. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 61:23, e179-e347. (2014) Is left ventricular hypertrophy a modifiable risk factor in end-stage renal disease. 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